The Open Payments database 是否有联邦工具用于搜索药品和设备公司向十大赌博平台排行榜和教学十大赌博平台排行榜支付的款项. 仅供参考,链接到联邦医疗保险中心 & 医疗补助服务(CMS)开放支付网站在这里提供. 联邦《十大赌博平台排行榜付款阳光法案》要求提供药品制造商支付的付款和其他价值超过10美元(10美元)的付款的详细信息, 向公众提供十大赌博平台排行榜和教学十大赌博平台排行榜使用的医疗设备和生物制品.
Statements and payments
MyChart paperless statements
If you have a MyChart account, 你什么都不用做:你已经收到了无纸化的报表. 如果您有MyChart帐户,并希望继续收到纸质对账单, log in to MyChart 并在“账单汇总”页面选择“取消无纸化账单”. 注意:移植和生殖健康担保人不符合UCSF MyChart的资格,并将继续通过邮件收到纸质声明.
在给您开单之前,加州大学旧金山分校健康中心将向您的 health insurance 提供者,包括医疗保险和医疗保险(如适用),以及任何二级保险. 如果你欠了未被保险覆盖的余额, or if you are a self-pay patient, you will receive a statement by mail.
加州大学旧金山分校健康中心为患者提供一份综合声明(每个担保人),其中包括十大赌博平台排行榜和专业服务的费用. Hospital services include costs for room and board, ancillary services such as diagnostic tests (for example, X-rays, EKGs and laboratory tests) and medications. 专业服务包括在门诊或住院期间对您进行治疗的十大赌博平台排行榜提供的护理, 以及阅读和解释您的测试结果的十大赌博平台排行榜(如放射科十大赌博平台排行榜).
If you have any questions about your statement, please call Patient Financial Services at (866) 433-4035. A sample statement is available here to help you understand your bill.
Payment options
Payment is due within 30 days of billing. 我们接受个人支票和主要信用卡(Visa、MasterCard、American Express和Discover)。.
You may use any of these options to pay your balance:
如果您有医疗保险,我们将代表您向医疗保险提出索赔. After Medicare makes its payment, 我们将向您的补充保险公司或二级保险公司索取余额, as determined by Medicare. If you don't have supplemental or secondary insurance, you will be responsible for the remaining balance. For more information, 请参阅您的补充或二级保险的EOMB(医疗保险福利说明)或EOB(福利说明).
Medi-Cal is California's Medicaid program, 由州和联邦政府资助的针对低收入居民的医疗援助计划. If you're covered under this program, 请提供您每月服务的资格卡或其他资格证明. Medi-Cal的资格是按月确定的.
Self-pay patients
如果你没有健康保险或正在寻求不在你的保险计划范围内的护理, you're considered a self-pay patient. All self-pay patients at UCSF are eligible for a discount. For more information about our discount policy, 请致电我们的财务咨询办公室(415)353 -1966.
At UCSF Health, 我们致力于帮助患者和他们的家人在他们护理的各个方面做出明智的决定, including out-of-pocket costs. Those costs will be affected by insurance plan coverage, by co-pays and deductibles (if any), 并通过广泛的服务提供和其他变量影响成本. 使用此工具来帮助计算我们最常见服务的自付费用.
Elective procedures require a deposit before service, unless the patient is eligible for financial assistance. 如果您需要在选修程序之前进行订金或安排付款, please call Financial Counseling at (415) 353-1966. 作出付款安排或申请财政援助,以应付未付的结单余额, call Patient Financial Services at (866) 433-4035.
Recommended Reading
Health Insurance
Help Paying Your Bill
向符合十大赌博靠谱网络平台的病人提供紧急和必要的医疗援助. Read the requirements and find out how to apply.
Health Insurance Benefits: Private & Public Plans
Find detailed info about private plans, group plans, public health care plans, plans for people with pre-existing conditions, and public health coverage.
Health Insurance Terms & Definitions
有关健康保险的单词,请参见对患者友好的定义, from “co-payment” and “deductible” to “HMO,” “high-deductible,” “Medi-Cal” and more.
Patient Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills
If you see health care providers outside your plan network, 了解联邦《十大赌博靠谱网络平台》如何保护你免受余额账单和意外账单的侵害.